Seasons Bring Change

Each new season brings change. As we move from summer to fall, most of us look forward to cooler temperatures, the bounty of harvest, and pumpkin spice everything! But this is not the reality for everyone. For some, fall brings the anxiety of increased expenses as school starts, of not having sufficient food and clothing for the cooler weather, or even the challenge of unexpected weather events.

The bible talks about each one doing their part for the kingdom of God.  This month we are sharing an inspiring story about three special people and three very personal T’s – our time, talent, and treasure.

1. Our Time– What do you do with your time? When someone was needed to drive a semi filled with disaster-relief products to New Orleans, one of our workers stepped up and said, “I’ll go!” With that declaration, he started a journey bringing emergency relief from Jenks, OK to New Orleans, LA. Amazing! Maybe you can’t drive a truck cross country, but perhaps you can join us on the second Saturday of each month for Serve Saturday to fill sacks with food that will go out to those in need over the upcoming weeks. Trust me you’ll leave Serve Saturday encouraged and strengthened!

2. Our Talent– God has given talents to each person. The next person in our story delivers bags of food to widows each month – an often-overlooked group. Her talent is reaching a very specific group of people of whom others are often unaware. When you’re opening up your life to serve the Kingdom of God you open yourself up to the unlimited potential that God has for you and for those you’re serving.

3. Our Treasure– here is where you come into our story. We are so grateful for everyone who gives to NorthStar Bridge. As we enter into the winter months we typically see an increase in requests for help. This is a time of great opportunity. We could use your help throughout the upcoming months to meet the increasing needs of those not ready for cooler weather and the increased expenses of the upcoming seasons.

When we live our lives using the three T’s for God’s purpose, we live a life that will far outlive ourselves. Over the past few weeks, NorthStar Bridge has had the privilege of serving others. In addition to the disaster relief in New Orleans, in September we also filled a total of 6,000 bags of food valued at $45/bag, and we:

  • Continue to provide backpacks to children at local schools whose family would not have enough food for the weekend without help;

  •  Fill bags to the brim with nutritious, delicious food for churches across NE Oklahoma, enabling the local church to have the resources available to be the hands and feet of Jesus; and

  •  Fill bags for the homeless with needed toiletries, snacks, and sought-after warm socks!

This month we ask that you prayerfully consider increasing your giving to help meet the needs of the upcoming months.  It takes each of us doing our part to make a difference for the Gospel of Jesus. We could not do what we do without each of you!

Isaiah 6:8 declares, And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.”

Thank you,

Pastor Rod Baker


2022 is all about GREATER!