2022 is all about GREATER!

We’re already well into the new year! The start of a new year is typically a time we look at as an opportunity for a fresh start. Praying and seeking God’s will for 2022, there was one word that kept tugging at my spirit –Greater!

Don’t get me wrong, we had an amazing 2021 at NorthStar Bridge, and we’ll share stats of what we accomplished with you at our side later. But as great as it was, I keep feeling that God is calling me, calling NorthStar Bridge, calling you to Greater in 2022.

So, how do we achieve greater?

When we look in God’s word there is account after account of normal people, like you and me, having God Encounters that led to GREATER!
One account is Isaiah’s God Encounter in the sixth chapter of Isaiah. When we look at Isaiah’s encounter with the Lord, we can see great purpose in what he did:

Isaiah first looked upward; he took his eyes off any problems or distractions he was facing and looked to God. (See Isaiah 6:1)

  1. He looked inward; Isaiah understood he had to examine his own heart first. (See Isaiah 6:5)

  2. He looked outward; God was speaking but Isaiah had to take the first two steps before he could hear God. (See Isaiah 6:8-9)

Like Isaiah we to need to follow the steps to have encounters with the Lord. Each day we need to:

  • Worship him

  • Get our eyes fixed on him, not the problem

  • Get into his word and let it get down deep inside us, and have it exam us

  • Pray and give God the opportunity to speak to us

When we have an encounter with God, he forever changes us. He places in us and on us what he has for our lives!

Our prayer this year is for each person who supports NorthStar Bridge, who comes to an outreach, or that we serve to encounter Greater in every area of their lives in 2022.

GREATER POWER                        GREATER PURPOSE

As we look to all that God has in store for this year, there is an excitement of all that he wants to do in us and through us. And that excitement is encompassing us at NorthStar Bridge!

Do you know that last year together we:

  • Served over 100 ministries in Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas and Kansas, providing 1,500 bags of delicious, nutritious food each week to local pastors and ministries to meet the needs in their community,

  • Dispersed 350 semi-truck loads of food,

  • Facilitated food distribution through the generous help of 150 volunteer hours each month,

  • Filled over 200 backpacks with wholesome snacks to provide to children at local schools whose family would not have enough food for the weekend without help,

  • Distributed nearly 1,000 bags a month to those facing homelessness filled with items to help meet their most basic needs including laundry items and warm socks,

  • Aided disaster areas in Louisiana, Texas, and Okmulgee,

  • Volunteered at local schools helping feed athletic teams and assisting in the kitchen.

All that was accomplished in 2021 is because of you partnering with us through your financial gifts and gifts of your time. God honors your perseverance. Your generosity empowers local pastors to serve and bring the hope of the Gospel to the hungry and hurting.

As we look to 2022, we are seeking to do Greater Service, have Greater Compassion, and experience Greater Reach into more communities and surrounding areas.

We ask that you prayerfully consider a special gift as we begin this new year. As we encounter God together this year, let’s seek a year where we have daily God encounters and do Greater for his Kingdom in 2022.

Truly, truly I say to you, whoever believes in Me, will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. John 14:12

Thank you and God Bless You,

Pastor Rod Baker


Seasons Bring Change


A New Day